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Sampling Scheme


Graphical representation of the spring 2022 sampling scheme


Forage Fish Species Prefer Habitat within Designated Offshore Wind Energy Areas in the U.S. Northeast Shelf Ecosystem

Published in Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 2023

Over 20% of species showed preferential use ofputative and potential wind development areas, including a disproportionate number of forage taxa.

Recommended citation: Friedland, K. D., Adams, E. M., Goetsch, C., Gulka, J., Brady, D. C., Rzeszowski, E., Crear, D. P., Gaichas, S., McManus, M. C., Methratta, E. T., Morano, J. L., & Staudinger, M. D. (2023). Forage Fish Species Prefer Habitat within Designated Offshore Wind Energy Areas in the U.S. Northeast Shelf Ecosystem. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 15(e10230).



Course Coordinator - University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences

Course Coordinator, Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022, University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences, Data Analysis in R, 1900

  • Developed and coordinated a course with the help of Dr. Damian Brady on methods of data analysis in R in which students presented their own uses of R to receive feedback while exposing their classmates to new methods of analysis.
    • The idea behind this course came out of a discussion with the UMaine SMS Professional Development Club re: the need for a R help resource within UMaine’s School of Marine Science.
  • Held optional sessions to bring all students up to a baseline experience level.

Teaching Assistant - Bowdoin College

Teaching Assistant, Jan. 2019- June 2020, Bowdoin College, Earth and Oceanographic Studies, Introduction to Oceanography, 1900

  • Developed weekly plans for lesson plans, lab and study sessions with professor, lab instructor and another TA.
  • Attended weekly lab sessions as tertiary instructor and hosted weekly study sessions for students.