Traveling to Australia

1 minute read


Today I am traveling to Australia to attend the International Conference and Workshop of Lobster (and Crab) Biology and Management, quite the mouthful.

I’ll be traveling about 36 hours and arriving in Australia on Sunday afternoon a couple hours before the conference kickoff banquet/ happy hour.

My co-authors and I developed 5 abstracts to submit for the conference all of which were accepted. We will be presenting on a range of topics using two datasets from different lobster and tagging projects. The first of these is commercial trapping survey catch data from a survey I designed and implemented during my first year of graduate school. This survey was the baseline period of a Before-After Control Impact (BACI) study at a future demonstration floating offshore wind site (New England Aqua Ventus I [NEAV I]). The other was a large tagging dataset from a project coordinated by Maine DMR, NH Fish & Game and Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Assocaition (AOLA). This project was designed to directly address to research priorities from the 2015 ASMFC American Lobster Benchmark Stock Assessment, 1) investigate connectivity between historical lobster stock units Gulf of Maine (GOM) and Georges Bank (GBK) via a large tagging study and 2) update estimations of growth and maturity to improve the Growth Transition Matrices (GTMs) that are used to estimate lobster growth seasonally in the assessment.

I will be presenting a poster with a method for estimating systematic observer errors in length change (growth) estimation data from two length observations on tagged animals. I will also be presenting a talk that gives an overview of the state of knowledge on lobster stock unit connectivity between the GOM and GBK populations. Finally I will present a talk on using environmentally informed Generalized Additive Models to robustly model changes in lobster catch over small spatial scales.